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For International Job openings -
NEW - Open Salary Survey -

VP - HR,

Company; : 2 Billion Dollar Indian Conglomerate
Position Title :VP HR
Location :Mumbai

Education and Experience (Preferably from premier Retail, FMCG/MNC IT/ MNCManufacturing/ Companies)
* Education - PG from XLRI/TISS/XISS/ Symbiosis preferred

* Experience
- 18 + years relevant experience .Should be strong on HR and IRResponsible for handling Human Resources at the corporate level to includerecruitment, policy formulation, competency mapping, performance management,training and development, etc. Alignment of the Human Resources strategywith the overall business strategy. Has direct access to the C- level team.Play a key role in development of functional/ business strategy, representthe company in the knowledge area, and coordinate the relationships of thefunctional area with the entire organization. Create, mentor and lead aneffective team.

Need a person with strong HR domain expertise / skills. Preferablysomeone who has worked in an organization with strong HR practices. Theperson should be certified in one or more HR processes, have exposure toworld class engagement models or OD models, etc. Exposure to managementdevelopment / training will help.Should be from a Retail,MNC FMCG, Manufacturing backgroundfocus is not on recruitment but on people retention anddevelopment. Excellent communication Skills is a must.
* Engage and support the annual and long-range business planningprocesses
* Participate in the organizations strategy planning and planeffectively for the year
* Effectively budget and equip the Human Resources department tomeet the requirements of the business
* Ensure the function effectively communicates with Operations andother support functions and works concurrently
* Monitor the Operations' performance metrics to includeUtilization, Productivity, Attrition, etc.
* Develop a meritocratic and respectful culture based on fairnessand performance
** Alignment between business, team and individual training needs andthe annual training calendar* Delivery through a mix of internal and external training programs
* Conduct pre and post training efficiency and effectivenessmeasurements
* Interact with client trainers and ensure best practices are shared
* Ensure continuous upgrades to the training and testing systems
* Ensure smooth functioning of the operational areas of attendance,payroll, statutory compliances, etc.
* Update policies top suit the business and industry norms andpractices
* Assure complete adherence to all national, state and localregulations with respect to The Company's personnel
* Maintenance of annual employee retention of no less than 90%across the facility and higher for middle management
* Focus on automation within HR to improve efficiencies, utilizationof resources, accuracy
* Collate and manage MIS related to headcount and ensure accuratereports are published to Management regularly
* Ensure the team is responsive and approachable to the employeeswhile processing day-to-day transactions
* Leadership of entire employee appraisal process for employees atall levels
* Develop a performance management system that fits with thestrategic direction and culture of the organization. Performance managementshould link the goals of the individual employee to the goals of theorganization
* Creation of a fair and performance driven compensation and benefitpolicy for the Company
* Ensure an effective flat, performance- driven, meritocratic culture
* Establish employee career growth plans and succession plans
* Proactively identify concern areas with employees and theorganization with regard to career progression, morale, etc.
* Ensure organizational effectiveness and improve various aspects oforganizational life necessary for success, including culture, values,systems and behavior
* Provide professional development strategies, executive andmanagement coaching, mentor programs, etc.
* Lead The Company's reach programs to include community serviceinitiatives, sports and company day and other employee morale-boostingexercises

Reply to john chinnadorai at john@customerlinks. netMobile;;(0)98440635 80

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